Important MS Word Recovery Tip
Yesterday, after longs hours of work on two word documents I got Word to suddenly disappear on me. There was not crash dialog (GPE, 'Send this blab la to Microsoft?'), the program just ended (like the code was calling exit(1)). Rerunning Word I got into the recovery mode where both the last-saved-by-user and last-auto-saved were offered. However, they both did not have any of my changes. I am sure you are familiar with this very frustrating scenario (although in recent years this became less frequent). Now rather than just tell you to save often (which is, indeed, a good tip) I'd like to tell you that the file: C:\Documents and Settings\<your-name>\Local Settings\Temp\~WRS<some-number>.tmp Contains all the keystrokes you typed and within it you can find all the text you entered which will help you recover manually but still recover.