
Showing posts from June, 2019

The PublicStrike Manifesto

The PublicStrike Manifesto Dror Harari, May 21 2019 This manifesto proposes a workable solution to the systemic power imbalance between social media platforms, content creators and us ("we the people"). Problem Statement Power dynamics on social media platforms suffer systemic biases that hurt the public: Social media platforms (SMPs) wield too much power Content creators, however successful, have too little power Users ("we the people") have virtually no power Personal and political biases of SMP employees get magnified out of proportions There is no mechanism to help or push SMPs to maintain a balanced approach Unlike regular mainstream media (MSM), SMPs enjoy platform protection against litigation (CDA/DMCA) Result is censorship, small publishers being hurt, MSM gains more money and influence Goal Level the playing field giving us users a way to leverage our power as groups rather than as individuals: Introduce a market correction mechanism i...